Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Top 5 Indian Army Operations..

Operation across the border in Myanmar isn't the first that the Indian Army has conducted. Take a look some of the most important operations in the army's history. 
1. Operation Black Tornado, November 2008
During the terrorist attack on Mumbai, the NSG commandos slithered down from helicopters and stormed Nariman House. They rescued 9 hostages from the building on the first day. Meanwhile in the Taj and Oberoi hotels, the commandos exchanged gunfire with the militants and managed to rescue 300 and 250 hostages respectively. Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan and Havaldar Gajendra Singh Bisht made the supreme sacrifice.

2. Operation Vijay, May 1999
In the summer months of 1999, the Pakistani Army infiltrated Indian territory and seized strategic locations. Once discovered, the Indian Army and Air Force launched Operation Vijay which involved close to 35,000 Indian soldiers. Many brave sons of the soil laid down their lives in the process, and heroes like Anuj Nayyar, Manoj Kumar Pandey and Vikram Batra became household names.

3. Operation Cactus, November 1988
An attempted coup by the rebels from Maldives along with People’s Liberation Of Tamil Eelam was thwarted by Indian Armed Forces. President Gayoom requested assistance from India, and the operation began when the Indian Air Force landed with soldiers of the parachute regiment at the Male Airport. The control of the capital was restored within hours. The mercenaries tried to flee on captured boats but were intercepted by Indian Navy frigates.

4. Operation Pawan, October 1987
The Indian Peace Keeping Force took control of the Jaffna peninsula from the LTTE, that the Sri Lankan army had been unable to. The Indian troops were supported by armoured and helicopter gunships. Amphibious operations were also conducted against the LTTE base in Guru Nagar. It took two weeks of intense fighting to take over Jaffna, and for the beginning of a three-year campaign to restore peace in Sri Lanka.

5. Operation Meghdoot, April 1984
With the control over Siachen Glacier not clearly demarcated in the Shimla Agreement, both sides allowed mountaineering expeditions from their sides. Pakistanis decided to stake their claim with military deployment in the area to which India countered with Operation Meghdoot. It led to the capture of various features like Saltoro Ridge and Bilafond La. Subedar Major Bana Singh was awarded the Param Vir Chakra for his daring daylight capture of Bana Post, now named after him. Siachen Glacier is the highest battlefield in the world and the Indian Army today controls the entire glacier and its tributary glaciers.


Communication Strategies of the Opposite Sex

They say that men are from Mars and women are from Venus, and at no point is this more obvious than where communications strategies are concerned. Relationships are rife with healthy debates about one party or other not responding, not paying attention, or even worse simply not listening. So what are the best communications strategies to use when trying to communicate with the opposite sex? 

Knowing When Not to Communicate 

The most important part of communications strategies is to know when not to expend your energy. For example, if you're looking to have an in-depth conversation, or in fact any form of conversation with your other half, there is simply no point in trying to catch their attention whilst they're mid playstation session, or during a football match. Equally, there is no point even attempting to interrupt a Sex and the City episode, or to expect anything other than a nod during a shopping trip. There are some occasions where no matter how many communications strategies you attempt, there is simply no getting through to your other half. 

Knowing How to Communicate 

No matter how close you get in a relationship, or even how closely you live with your other half, lack of communication can be a problem. We get so bogged down in the everyday conversations such as, 'how was your day' and, 'what would you like for dinner' that we forget that communication can often go a lot further than the pleasantries. In order to really keep in touch with your other half, communications strategies have to occasionally run a little deeper than everyday conversation. Whether you say it with breakfast in bed, a picnic in the park, a bunch of flowers, or even by relinquishing custody of the remote control for the evening, these little gestures are a great way of showing that the lines of communication are still open and also that they are in full working order. 

Knowing How to Interpret 

The most important part of good communications strategies in any relationship is learning to recognise and interpret your partner's own distinctive way of communicating. As many women will be able to tell you, they can tell exactly what their partner is talking about simply by the tone of the grunt they emit. In the same fashion, many men will be able to gauge just how excited their partner is about something by the pitch and number of decibels of their shrieks. Whilst women may not understand the language of football, and men can never hope to figure out all the intricacies surrounding shoes and handbags, we can learn to interpret our partner's responses all the same. Interpretation is key when it comes to communications strategies. 

So, next time you start to feel as though you're talking to a brick wall rather than your significant other, take a deep breath and count to ten, and remember that there are many different communications strategies that you can use - it doesn't always have to come down to animated conversation.


Kyu Hai Lalit Modi Dawood Se Bhi Bada India's Most Wanted?

दाउद इब्राहिम जैसा भी है, हमारे कानून से डरता तो है. वह छुपकर रहता है. ट्विटर पर ऐसे बयान जारी नहीं करता, जिससे पता चले कि देश की कानून-व्यवस्था से जुड़े सभी लोग उसकी जेब में हैं.
ललित मोदी पब्ल‍िक रिलेशंस का काम करने वाली कंपनियों के आदर्श हो सकते हैं. वे उन कारोबारियों के भी आदर्श हो सकते हैं, जो हर कीमत पर फायदा कमाना चाहते हैं. वे उन दलालों के भी आदर्श हो सकते हैं, जो हर स्तर पर अपनी ताकतवर पैठ बनाना चाहते हैं. वे उन अपराधियों के भी आदर्श हो सकते हैं, जिन्हें डर सताता हो कि यदि पकड़े गए तो निपटेंगे कैसे. वे उन फ्रस्ट्रेट लोगों के लिए भी आदर्श हो सकते हैं, जो अपनी मामूली व्यस्तता को कोसते हुए कहते देखे जाते हैं कि टाइम ही नहीं है कहीं घूमने फिरने या पार्टी करने का.

दाउद में क्या रखा है. एक अपराध किया और फिर बिना कोर्ट-कचहरी के खुद को जीवनभर के लिए अज्ञातवास में डाल दिया. न अपराध करने की मैच्योरिटी और न बच निकलने का ढंग.
ललित मोदी ऑल-इन-वन हैं. वे एक ही समय में कांग्रेस के शशि थरूर और बीजेपी की वसुंधराराजे सिंधिया को मुंबई की पांच सितारा होटल में ठहराते हैं. शाहखर्ची करते हैं. और डेढ़ करोड़ का बिल बीसीसीआई के मत्थे मढ़ देते हैं. ऐसे जादू दिखाने के बदले उन्हें विदेशों से गैर-कानूनी ढंग से पैसा मंगाने का रास्ता मिल जाता है. मोदी को पता है कि वह कहां-कौन सी चाबी लगाएंगे और उससे कौन सा ताला खुलेगा. मुख्यमंत्री रहते नरेंद्र मोदी भी उनकी पहुंच में थे. वे अमित शाह को भी करीब से जानते हैं.
दाउद की जान-पहचान मुंबई तक ही सीमित थी. कुछ पुलिस वाले, कोस्ट गार्ड वाले या ज्यादा से ज्यादा महाराष्ट्र के कुछ पॉलिटिशियन. जो सिर्फ इस बात की गारंटी दिलाते थे कि उसका स्मग्लिंग का धंधा बेरोकटोक चलता रहेगा.
मुंबई के पूर्व पुलिस कमिश्नर राकेश मारिया लंदन में ललित मोदी और उनके परिवार से मिले. जो तस्वीरें सामने आई हैं, उससे साफ लगता है कि वे एक शानदार मेहमान नवाजी का आनंद ले रहे हैं. ताजा शिगूफा ललित मोदी ने ही छोड़ा है. कि वे रॉबर्ट वाड्रा और प्रियंका गांधी से भी मिल चुके हैं. क्यों? ये स्पष्ट नहीं है. ललित मोदी सबको जानते हैं. सिर्फ तीन लोगों को छोड़कर. एक मनमोहन सिंह (क्योंकि, वे इमानदार हैं), दूसरी सोनिया गांधी (क्योंकि, वे अपने पंचों के सिवाय किसी से मिलती नहीं) और तीसरे राहुल गांधी (जिनसे मिलना दुर्लभ ही होता है). पुलिस से लेकर नेता ही नहीं, हॉलीवुड और बॉलीवुड तक उनका दबदबा रहा है.
दाउद को भी महफिल लगाने का शौक था. उसकी पार्टियों में भारत के नेता, अभिनेता और हां अभिनेत्रियां शामिल होते थे. लेकिन ललित मोदी यहां भी उससे आगे है.

ललित मोदी पर फेमा से जुड़े गंभीर आरोप हैं. और उन्होंने इन अपराधों के लिए कथित तौर पर नेताओं का इस्तेमाल किया. अब सवाल उठता है कि नेताओं ने सिर्फ आईपीएल मैच का मुफ्त टिकट पाने के लिए तो ये मदद की नहीं होगी. बदले में उन्हें भी कुछ मोटा फायदा मिला ही होगा. क्या? ये तो ललित मोदी ही बता सकते हैं. खुद तो आएंगे नहीं बताने. लाना पड़ेगा. बात अब ललित मोदी के अपराधों की नहीं, देश की सत्ता चलाने वालों की ईमानदारी जांचने की है. बीजेपी कह रही है कि ललित मोदी ने यूपीए सरकार के समय अपराध किए. यदि इस तर्क को ही मान लिया जाए तो बीजेपी के लिए ज्यादा आसान है और जरूरी है कि वे ललित मोदी को देश वापस लाए और सच उगलवाए.

दाउद को पकड़कर क्या होगा. यही न कि उसने 1993 के ब्लास्ट करवाए थे. और हफ्ता न देने वाले के कुछ नामचीन लोगों की हत्याएं. हम एक ऐसे इकबालिया बयान को हासिल करने के लिए पाकिस्तान को घेरते रहते हैं और नफरत करते हैं, जिसे बच्चा-बच्चा जानता है. 
दाउद का अपराध डॉक्यूमेंटेड नहीं है. ललित मोदी का है. सील-सिक्के के साथ. ललित मोदी जैसे अब तक आरोपी हैं, वैसे ही दाउद भी. तय करना होगा. बम धमाका करके तीन सौ लोगों की जान लेना बड़ा अपराध है. या सवा सौ करोड़ की आबादी वाले देश की जिम्मेदारी संभालने वाले लोगों का बिक जाना और उनको खरीद लेना बड़ा अपराध है.
अब आप ही बताइए, कौन है मोस्ट वांटेड?


Emergency In India 1975

वाजपेयी, आडवाणी, जेटली, राजनाथ, लालू, मुलायम, नीतीश, चरण सिंह, प्रकाश सिंह बादल, सीताराम येचुरी, प्रकाश करात... लंबी लिस्ट है. ये सब लोकतंत्र के इमरजेंसी नामक विश्वविद्यालय से निकले थे.
इमरजेंसी की 40वीं सालगिरह के मौके पर कोई इससे इनकार नहीं करेगा कि इंदिरा गांधी ने भारतीय लोकतंत्र को गहरा झटका दिया था और देश को घातक सर्वसत्तावाद की ओर ढकेल दिया था. लेकिन मैं अगर यह भी मान लूं कि उन्होंने, अपनी नासमझी में ही सही, हमारे लोकतंत्र को मजबूत ही किया तो क्या फर्क पड़ता है? उनकी इस हरकत से वाकई दोध्रुवीय राजनीति को आकार लेने में मदद मिली, हालांकि दोध्रुवीय विचारधारा तैयार होने की प्रक्रिया अब भी जारी है, और भारतीय नेताओं की एक नई पीढ़ी तैयार हो गई.
यह लोकतंत्र की सेहत के लिए विरोधाभासी नहीं है. कुछ सबूत लीजिए. अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी, लालकृष्ण आडवाणी, मुरलीमनोहर जोशी, जॉर्ज फर्नांडीस, अरुण जेटली, राजनाथ सिंह, लालू और मुलायम सिंह यादव, नीतीश कुमार, रामविलास पासवान, सुशील मोदी, एच.डी. देवेगौड़ा, चरण सिंह, प्रकाश सिंह बादल, और सीताराम येचुरी तथा प्रकाश करात तक—भारतीय राजनीति में व्यापक असर रखने वाले तमाम समकालीन नेताओं में आखिर कौन-सी दो बातें साझा हैं? एक, यह कि ये सभी गैर-कांग्रेस पार्टियों की पांत में शिखर पर पहुंचे और 1977 के बाद ज्यादातर गैर-कांग्रेसी सरकारों में ऊंचे पदों पर आसीन हुए. दूसरे, इन सभी को इमरजेंसी में इंदिरा गांधी ने जेल भिजवा दिया था, ज्यादातर पूरे 19 महीने जेल में थे तो करात जैसे कुछ कम समय के लिए क्योंकि वे भूमिगत रहकर अपनी गतिविधियां जारी रखने में कामयाब हो गए थे.
बिलाशक, अनजाने में ही इंदिरा गांधी ने भारतीय लोकतंत्र को राजनैतिक प्रतिभाओं की एक समूची नई पीढ़ी मुहैया करा दी, जिसने आखिरकार उनकी अजेय पार्टी को 44 लोकसभा सीटों और महज तीन पूरे तथा दो आधे-अधूरे बड़े राज्यों (कर्नाटक, केरल, असम, हिमाचल प्रदेश और उत्तराखंड) के अलावा बेहद छोटे राज्यों मिजोरम, मणिपुर, मेघालय और अरुणाचल प्रदेश तक समेट कर रख दिया.
यह विचित्र लग सकता है लेकिन इससे इनकार नहीं किया जा सकता. उन्होंने समूचे विपक्ष को नेस्तोनाबूद करने की कोशिश में वाकई एक विश्वसनीय, अखिल भारतीय और तमाम तरह की विचारधाराओं वाले नए नेताओं की पांत खड़ी कर दी, जिनकी प्रतिभा और आकर्षण का मुकाबला करने में उनके उत्ताराधिकारी नाकाम रहे हैं. मैं यकीनन यह कह सकता हूं कि अगर इमरजेंसी नहीं लगी होती तो शायद केंद्र में पूर्ण बहुमत वाली बीजेपी सरकार नहीं आ पाती, आरएसएस इतनी महत्वपूर्ण वैचारिक ताकत नहीं बन पाता, और कई खांचों के लोहियावादी उत्तर प्रदेश और बिहार में राज नहीं कर रहे होते. यह किसी बड़े लेख का विषय हो सकता है कि वह पहला जनसंघर्ष था जिसमें आरएसएस ने हिस्सा लिया और राष्ट्रीय सम्मान पाया, वरना आजादी का आंदोलन तो उससे छूट ही गया था.
इसके बाद आप कुछ और गहरे उतर सकते हैं. नवीन पटनायक के पिता दिवंगत बीजू पटनायक इमरजेंसी में जेल में थे. अब नवीन अपने गृह राज्य ओडिशा में चौथी बार मुख्यमंत्री हैं और अब भी अजेय लगते हैं. कर्नाटक में बी.एस. येद्दियुरप्पा भी 1975-77 की उसी जमात के हैं. राजस्थान में वसुंधरा राजे के बायोडाटा में सबसे अहम प्रविष्टि यही है कि उनकी मां विजयाराजे सिंधिया इमरजेंसी में जेल गई थीं. सुषमा स्वराज जेल तो नहीं गईं मगर अपने पति स्वराज कौशल के साथ जॉर्ज फर्नांडीस की वकील बनकर प्रसिद्धि पा गई थीं. ननी पालकीवाला की अगुआई में करीब 200 वकीलों की फौज नाकाम हो गई तो आखिरकार राम जेठमलानी के खिलाफ वारंट जारी हो गया. लेकिन गिरफ्तारी से बचने के लिए जेठमलानी कनाडा पहुंच गए और वहीं निर्वासन में रहे. सुब्रह्मण्यम स्वामी ने भी यही राह अपनाई थी.
अब आइए, मोदी मंत्रिमंडल में झांका जाए. इसमें शामिल जो '70 के दशक के मध्य में वयस्क हो चुका था, यानी अनंत कुमार से लेकर कलराज मिश्र तक सभी उसी वर्ग के हैं. थोड़ा और गहरे उतरें तो फेहरिस्त हास्यास्पद-सी बनने लगती है. अब कांग्रेस की लगभग सबसे बड़ी राज्य सरकार के मुखिया, कर्नाटक के मुख्यमंत्री सिद्धरामैया भी जेल गए थे और गुजरात के शंकर सिंह वाघेला भी. हालांकि दोनों ही बाद में कांग्रेस में शामिल हो गए. फिर भी सचाई तो यही है कि वे इमरजेंसी के जमात के हैं. इसलिए यह कहना कतई गलत या भ्रामक नहीं है कि इमरजेंसी लोकतंत्र का विश्वविद्यालय थी.
नए, उभरते लोकतंत्रों में जनांदोलनों से ही नेता पैदा होते हैं. हमारे नेताओं की पहली पांत बिलाशक आजादी के आंदोलन में पैदा हुई. हालांकि कांग्रेस ऐसी छतरी बनी कि उसके नीचे सभी वामपंथी और दक्षिणपंथी विचारों के लोग अपनी वैचारिक असहमितयों को अलग रखकर गांधीजी के नेतृत्व में एकजुट हो गए. आजादी के बाद कुछ टूट-फूट हुई लेकिन ज्यादातर लोग कांग्रेस में ही बने रहे और जो दूसरी विपक्षी पार्टियां बनाने के लिए अलग हुए, वे उसका मुकाबला नहीं कर सके. हालांकि कांग्रेस के खिलाफ एकजुटता की कुछ कोशिशें भी हुईं, जैसे 1967 में संयुक्त विधायक दल ने कांग्रेस को ठीक से हराए बगैर ही झटका दे दिया था. फिर, इमरजेंसी तक इंतजार करना पड़ा, जो आजाद भारत में विपक्ष के लिए पहले देशव्यापी राजनैतिक संघर्ष का मंच साबित हुई.
कुल मिलाकर तब तक विपक्षी एकता की कोशिशें नाकाम ही रही थीं, जिससे कांग्रेस को विकल्पहीनता का लाभ मिलता रहा. बाद के चुनाव विशेषज्ञों ने इसे इस तरह समझाया कि विपक्षी एकता सूचकांक में कमी की वजह से विकल्पहीनता का सूचकांक बढ़ गया. विचारधारा के आधार पर एकजुटता संभव नहीं थी, क्योंकि सबसे ज्यादा काडरों वाली पार्टी जनसंघ का विभिन्न सोशलिस्टों और लोहियावादियों से व्यापक मतभेद थे. उस समय अभिजनों की दक्षिणपंथी पार्टी स्वतंत्र पार्टी हुआ करती थी. फिर बंगाल, केरल और कुछ छोटे पैमाने पर आंध्र प्रदेश, पंजाब तथा महाराष्ट्र में कम्युनिस्टों का प्रभाव था. साझा विचारधारात्मक धरातल के अभाव में विपक्षी दलों ने 'खानदानशाही', 'तानाशाही' और 'व्यक्तिवाद' की राजनीति के खिलाफ एकजुटता की कोशिशें कीं. लेकिन उनके नेता या मतदाता इससे पूरी तरह राजी नहीं हो पाए. उन गठजोड़ों के बारे में यह धारणा बनी कि 'बेचारी' इंदिरा गांधी के खिलाफ हमला बोलने के लिए सब मिल गए हैं. और इंदिरा गांधी ने भी इसे अपने भाषणों में खूब भुनाया. वे कहतीं, ''वे कहते हैं इंदिरा हटाओ, इंदिरा कहती है गरीबी हटाओ, अब आप फैसला कीजिए.''
इमरजेंसी ने इस धारणा को तीन तरह से बदला. एक, इंदिरा गांधी के खिलाफ तानाशाही, व्यक्तिवादी और खानदानशाही (दिसंबर 1976 में संजय गांधी को उत्तराधिकारी घोषित कर दिया गया) के जो आरोप लगाए जा रहे थे, अब उनमें दम दिखने लगा. दूसरे, इमरजेंसी ने हजारों राजनैतिक नेताओं और कार्यकर्ताओं को संघर्ष, बलिदान और साहस का वह मुकाम दिला दिया जो किसी राजनैतिक नेता के लिए बेहद जरूरी होता है. मसलन, राजनैतिक कैदी के रूप में जेल की सजा अभी तक आजादी के सिपाहियों के खाते में ही दर्ज थी. नतीजतन लालू, मुलायम, नीतीश, शरद यादव, यहां तक कि येचुरी और करात जैसे कई छात्र कार्यकर्ता उभरकर मंच पर आ गए. तीसरे, विभिन्न विचारधाराओं से जुड़े इन सभी के बीच जेल में एक रिश्ता कायम हुआ. वे अपने विचारों का आदान-प्रदान कर रहे थे, साथ-साथ रह रहे थे, एक-दूसरे को बेहतर ढंग से समझ रहे थे, चाहे वह बातचीत के जरिए हो या बैडमिंटन-बॉलीवाल खेलने के दौरान या फिर व्यक्तिगत दोस्ती के जरिए. अगर हम इमरजेंसी को लोकतंत्र का विश्वविद्यालय कहते हैं तो इंदिरा गांधी की जेल उनके विरोधियों के लिए कारगर छात्रावास की तरह साबित हुई.
यह कल्पना करना हम पत्रकारों की कूव्वत में नहीं है कि इस अग्निपरीक्षा से भारतीय राजनीति कैसे निखर कर निकली. यह जरूर किसी उपन्यास लेखक का विषय हो सकता है. इमरजेंसी के बाद हमने मंदिर और मंडल जैसे कुछ अहम जनांदोलन और भी देखे. मंदिर आंदोलन से उमा भारती से लेकर विनय कटियार तक कुछ चर्चित चेहरे उभरे. मैं इसमें कल्याण सिंह का नाम नहीं जोड़ रहा हूं क्योंकि वे इमरजेंसी में पकड़े गए थे. मंडल आंदोलन ने और ज्यादा बड़ी जमात खड़ी की. वी.पी. सिंह से शुरू करके इस आंदोलन ने तीन यादवों-मुलायम, लालू और शरद-के लिए शिखर पर स्थान सुरक्षित कर दिया. इसके बाद जनांदोलन की अगली लहर के लिए हमें दो दशकों तक इंतजार करना पड़ा. यह अण्णा हजारे का भ्रष्टाचार विरोधी आंदोलन था लेकिन इससे शायद महज एक महत्वपूर्ण नेता, कुछ बातूनी छुटभैए और दो सम्मानित असंतुष्ट ही निकले.
इससे हमारे लोकतंत्र में इंदिरा गांधी के योगदान को एक संदर्भ मिल जाता है. जिसे भी उन्होंने जेल में डाला, लगभग सभी ऊंचे पदों तक पहुंचे, उनकी अपनी पार्टी के 'युवा तुर्क' असंतुष्ट चंद्रशेखर (प्रधानमंत्री), कृष्णकांत (उपराष्ट्रपति), मोहन धारिया और रामधन (कैबिनेट मंत्री) भी. 1977 के बाद वी.पी. सिंह को छोड़कर हर गैर-कांग्रेसी प्रधानमंत्री इमरजेंसी की राजनैतिक जमात का ही था. चाहे वह मोरारजी देसाई हों या चरण सिंह, चंद्रशेखर, वाजपेयी, देवेगौड़ा, सभी उस समय जेल में भेजे गए थे. यहां तक कि इंद्रकुमार गुजराल भी प्रेस पर अंकुश लगाने पर असहमति जताने के लिए सूचना-प्रसारण मंत्री के पद से हटाए गए थे, इस तरह वे भी इमरजेंसी के पीड़ित या लाभार्थी हुए. यह आपके देखने के ढंग पर निर्भर है. अब बच जाते हैं नरेंद्र मोदी. लेकिन जरा ठहरिए! मेरी दोस्त तथा पूर्व सहयोगी कूमी कपूर की दिलचस्प किताब द इमरजेंसीः अ पर्सनल हिस्ट्री पढ़िए. जब सुब्रह्मण्यम स्वामी गिरफ्तारी से बचने के लिए एक सिख के वेश में गुजरात के एक मंत्री मकरंद देसाई से गुपचुप मिलना चाहते थे तो रेलवे स्टेशन पर एक प्रतिबद्ध स्वयंसेवक को उनकी अगवानी और सुरक्षित लाने के लिए भेजा गया. ये थे युवा नरेंद्र मोदी. यानी एक और प्रधानमंत्री जिसने इंदिरा गांधी की इमरजेंसी में राजनीति का पाठ पढ़ा था.

पुनश्चः इमरजेंसी के बारे में मेरा व्यक्तिगत अनुभव खास नहीं है क्योंकि मैं तब चंडीगढ़ में पत्रकारिता का छात्र हुआ करता था. लेकिन मेरे पास कहने को एक कहानी तो है ही. 1975 के स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर हरियाणा के तत्कालीन मुख्यमंत्री बंसीलाल रोहतक में एक परेड को संबोधित कर रहे थे. मेरे माता-पिता तब रोहतक में रहते थे. बंसीलाल ने तीन यादगार बातें बताईं. एक, अखबारों में इतना जहर भरा होता है कि कोई उसमें कोई पकौड़ी लपेटना भी नहीं चाहता. दूसरे, उन्होंने बादलों भरे आसमान की ओर देखकर कहा कि 1947 में भारत में ऐसा शानदार मॉनसून उतरा था कि सभी पापी पाकिस्तान भेज दिए गए और अब बाकियों को जेल में बंद कर दिया गया है. और तीसरी बात उनका वह नजरिया था कि क्यों इंदिरा जी ने भुट्टो के साथ शिमला समझौता किया था.
उन्होंने कहा, शिमला में भुट्टो इंदिरा जी के पैर पर गिर पड़े और दया की भीख मांगने लगे. भुट्टो जब उठे तो इंदिरा जी ने देखा कि उनकी पैंट गिली हो गई है. इससे उन्हें दया आ गई और शिमला समझौता हो गया. इस तरह 93,000 पाकिस्तानी फौजी कैदी छूटे. उनकी पहली बात तो सही थी, वे प्रेस को कीड़े-मकोड़े भी कह सकते थे. दूसरी आपत्तिजनक थी पर उस दौर में चल सकती थी लेकिन तीसरी राजनयिक नतीजों को देखते हुए तानाशाह इंदिरा को भी मंजूर नहीं थी. इसे ध्यान में रखकर शिमला और भुट्टो पर उनकी टिप्पणियों को सभी अखबारों से हटा देने के निर्देश जारी किए गए थे. एक तरह से यह बेतुकी सेंसरशिप की ऐसी मिसाल थी कि सरकार को अपने मुख्यमंत्री की बातें भी रोकनी पड़ रही थीं.

Veer Of India - Rana Pratap ( Maharana Pratap)

Born: May 9, 1540 in Kumbhalgarh, Rajasthan 
Father's Name: Maharana Udai Singh II
Mother's Name: Rani Jeevant Kanwar
Died: January 29, 1597 in Chavand 

Maharana Pratap was born on May 9th 1540 in Kumbhalgarh, Rajasthan. His father was Maharana Udai Singh II and his mother was Rani Jeevant Kanwar. Maharana Udai Singh II ruled the kingdom of Mewar, with his capital at Chittor. Maharana Pratap was the eldest of twenty-five sons and hence given the title of Crown Prince. He was destined to be the 54th ruler of Mewar, in the line of the Sisodiya Rajputs.

In 1567, when Crown Prince Pratap Singh was only 27, Chittor was surrounded by the Mughal forces of Emperor Akbar. Maharana Udai Singh II decided to leave Chittor and move his family to Gogunda, rather than capitulate to the Mughals. The young Pratap Singh wanted to stay back and fight the Mughals but the elders intervened and convinced him to leave Chittor, oblivious of the fact that this move from Chittor was going to create history for all times to come.

In Gogunda, Maharana Udai Singh II and his nobles set up a temporary government of the kindom of Mewar. In 1572, the Maharana passed away, leaving the way for Crown Prince Pratap Singh to become the Maharana. However, in his later years, the late Maharana Udai Singh II had fallen under the influence of his favorite queen, Rani Bhatiyani, and had willed that her son Jagmal should ascend to the throne. As the late Maharana's body was being taken to the cremation grounds, Pratap Singh, the Crown Prince decided to accompany the dead body of the Maharana. This was a departure from tradition as the Crown Prince did not accompany the body of the departed Maharana but instead prepared to ascend the throne, such that the line of succession remained unbroken. Pratap Singh, in deference to his father's wishes, decided to let his half-brother Jagmal become the next king. However, knowing this to be disastrous for Mewar, the late Maharana's nobles, especially the Chundawat Rajputs, forced Jagmal to leave the throne to Pratap Singh. Unlike Bharat, Jagmal did not willingly give up the throne. He swore revenge and left for Ajmer, to join the armies of Akbar, where he was offered a jagir - the town of Jahazpur - in return for his help. Meanwhile, Crown Prince Pratap Singh became Maha Rana Pratap Singh I, 54th ruler of Mewar in the line of the Sisodiya Rajputs.
The year was 1572. Pratap Singh had just become the Maharana of Mewar and he had not been back in Chittor since 1567. His old fort and his home beckoned to him. The pain of his father's death, and the fact that his father had not been able to see Chittor again, troubled the young Maharana deeply. But he was not the only one troubled at this time. Akbar had control of Chittor but not the kingdom of Mewar. So long as the people of Mewar swore by their Maharana, Akbar could not realize his ambition of being the Jahanpanah of Hindustan. He had sent several emissaries to Mewar to get Rana Pratap to agree to sign a treaty but the letter was only willing to sign a peace treaty whereby the sovereignty of Mewar would be intact. In the course of the year 1573, Akbar sent six diplomatic missions to Mewar to get Rana Pratap to agree to the former's suzerainty but Rana Pratap turned down each one of them. The last of these missions was headed by Raja Man Singh, the brother-in-law of Akbar himself. Maharana Pratap, angered that his fellow Rajput was aligned with someone who had forced the submission of all Rajputs, refused to sup with Raja Man Singh. The lines were completely drawn now - Akbar understood that Maharana Pratap would never submit and he would have to use his troops against Mewar.
With the failure of efforts to negotiate a peace treaty in 1573, Akbar blockaded Mewar from the rest of the world and alienated Mewar's traditional allies, some of whom were Maharana Pratap's own kith and kin. Akbar then tried to turn the people of the all-important Chittor district against their king so they would not help Pratap. He appointed Kunwar Sagar Singh, a younger brother of Pratap, to rule the conquered territory, However, Sagar, regretting his own treachery, soon returned from Chittor, and committed suicide with a dagger in the Mughal Court. Shakti Singh, Pratap's younger brother now with the Mughal army, is said to have fled the Mughal court temporarily and warned his brother of Akbar's actions.
In preparation for the inevitable war with the Mughals, Maharana Pratap altered his administration. He moved his capital to Kumbhalgarh, where he was born. He commanded his subjects to leave for the Aravali mountains and leave behind nothing for the approaching enemy - the war would be fought in a mountain terrain which the Mewar army was used to but not the Mughals. It is a testament to the young king's respect amongst his subjects that they obeyed him and left for the mountains. The Bhils of the Aravalis were completely behind him. The army of Mewar now raided Mughal trade caravans going from Delhi to Surat. A section of his army guarded the all important Haldighati Pass, the only way to get into Udaipur from the North. Maharana Pratap himself undertook several penances, not because his finances forced him to do so, but because he wished to remind himself, and all his subjects, why they were undertaking this pain - to win back their freedom, their right to exist as they wished. He foreswore that he would eat from leaf-plates, would sleep on the floor and would not shave. In his self-inflicted state of penury, the Maharana lived in mud-huts made from mud and bamboo.
In 1576, the famous battle of Haldighati was fought with 20,000 Rajputs against a Mughal army of 80,000 men commanded by Raja Man Singh. The battle was fierce though indecisive, to the Mughal army's astonishment. Maharana Pratap's army was not defeated but Maharana Pratap was surrounded by Mughal soldiers. It is said that at this point, his estranged brother, Shakti Singh, appeared and saved the Rana's life. Another casualty of this war was Maharana Pratap's famous, and loyal, horse Chetak, who gave up his life trying to save his Maharana.
After this war, Akbar tried several times to take over Mewar, failing each time. Maharana Pratap himself was keeping up his quest for taking Chittor back. However, the relentless attacks of the Mughal army had left his army weaker, and he barely had enough money to keep it going. It is said that at this time, one of his ministers, Bhama Shah, came and offered him all this wealth - a sum enabling Maharana Pratap to support an army of 25,000 for 12 years. It is said that before this generous gift from Bhama Shah, Maharana Pratap, anguished at the state of his subjects, was beginning to lose his spirit in fighting Akbar.

Qualities Every Woman Loves In A Man

What is it that draws a woman towards a man? What is that women really want? We know you’ve always wanted to know what it takes to impress the woman you like. Well, turns out, it’s not as difficult as it seems. While every woman has a different choice when it comes to men, it won’t be wrong to say these 10 qualities are the one every woman in the world gets attracted to in a man. 
1. Mystery
Mystery attracts a woman to a man like moths to flame. They always want to believe there are a million stories he hides from the rest of the world. They love the idea of discovering new things about their man over time. They want to know the part of your life other than what they see, that it takes someone special for you to reveal who you really are. The more you try to hide, the closer they want to come. The more you try to cover, the more they want to see. 

2. Humour
Truth of life – funny guys are the most popular amongst girls. Who doesn’t like a guy who can lighten up the mood a little? If you can make her laugh, half the battle is won. But the trick is to not try too hard. Girls love men who are effortlessly funny, who can make people laugh at the nastiest of jokes without coming across as insensitive pricks, and more importantly, those who can laugh at themselves as easily they do at others. Be perfect. Always be perfect unless you can be funny; then always be funny. 

3. Confidence
As cliched as it may sound, a confident man really makes women go weak in the knees. There’s something they find very attractive about a man who’s certain and unapologetic about who he is and what he wants. Indecisiveness and self doubt are best kept out of her radar. A woman would always prefer a man who has the courage to walk up to her and tell her he’s interested than a boy who’s too scared to even look her in the eyes.

4. Spontaneity 
All relationships are fun in the beginning. It is after the honeymoon phase gets over that boredom begins to seep in and unless you’re spontaneous, things are not going to get any better. Women find spontaneity and unpredictability incredibly attractive. Who doesn’t like some excitement and adventure in life? They want a man who doesn’t need to make ‘plans’, one who takes life by the day. They want to be surprised every time they meet you, they want to know you’ll be up for any plan at any time of the day because lets face it – the best things happen when you’re least expecting them. 

5. Being Articulate
Being able to talk freely in front of people without getting awkward and jittery is a skill you really need to start developing right away. Being a smooth talker really is one of the most underrated qualities in a man. Nothing gets a woman more hooked on than a man who knows how to hold conversations and express freely without feeling shy. There’s no bigger turn off for a woman than a man whom she just doesn’t connect with.

6. Emotionally Secure
Women want their space as much as you do. The moment they sense you’re possessive, they begin to draw apart. A man who’s happy within himself, someone who doesn’t need constant attention, someone who can go on a day without talking on the phone thrice, someone who won’t lose his mind the one time she goes out partying with her best friends and gets drunk, someone who has a life beyond the relationship is what women desire. Nobody wants a partner who clings on to them and ties them down forever. 

7. Intelligence
Trust us, dumb men are the biggest turn offs. Women are extremely fascinated with men who always have something substantial to contribute to a conversation. It is always interesting to listen to a man talk of his experiences in all the countries, cities and towns he has been to and all that he saw there. It’s true, you can never run out of interesting conversations with intelligent people. And, that’s precisely why girls dig intelligent men.

8. Sensitivity
Women believe sensitivity is a strange concept to most men and that is exactly why they fall head over heels in love with a man the moment he shows his sensitive side. They want to know the man they’re going out on dates with isn’t a chauvinistic prick! They want to know he knows the gravity of a situation and who is understanding and accepting towards all kinds of people.

9. Being Passionate
Women absolutely swoon over men who have a purpose in life – something they really, really love doing. It shows there’s something to look forward to in your life, it shows you’re crazy about something and that passion is infectious. It makes them want to be around you more and more and just admire your zeal in life.

10. Machismo
You don’t need a ripped physique to be manly – it takes much more than just that to be manly. She needs to constantly feel an irresistible urge around you. Your eyes should tell her how much you want her every time you look at her. You need to make her feel you’re strong enough (not just physically) to protect her. You’re a man and you should feel like one. You need to find the raw manliness in you and make her see it too.

11. Being Well Groomed
Yes, it is really important. Even an ‘out of bed’ or ‘scruffy beard’ look needs some basic grooming. You need to keep yourself clean, presentable and well groomed at all times, especially when you meet her. Women love men who spend some time on their looks and believe in looking good.


Thursday, 25 June 2015

Helping Your Partner Recover from Addiction

Addiction to anything is something hard to control. But it is not impossible to recover from addiction. There are remedies and ways to fight with your addiction. If your partner is addict and wants to recover from it, definitely it would only be a tough and hard time for you, but also for the addict. As a partner to addict your responsibilities are doubled. The only thing which you have to be focus upon is to give your partner as much support as you can. But this does not mean to forget your goals. You have to keep things balanced. 

Self Realization 

An addict in a home affects the entire environment of the home and behavior of all the family members. Fights and bickering, abusing and scolding become routine chores. Emotional chaos and a plenty of uneasiness prevails in the household environment. If you have two addicts living together, this further worsen the situation, as they both support each other in all their addictions. This makes things hard to control for you. A single addict is hard to control two are more than enough, especially under the same roof. 

This best way to handle this situation is to seek help from an addiction recovery therapist, specialized in couple's counseling as well. He or she will help you and your partner to lead a happier free of codependence life. Self realization in an addict is a key for steady improvement. 

Stay Cool and Calm 

Recovery phase is not easy. Many times your partner loose his/her temper and might burst at you, abuse you or scold you. You have to stay calm and cool in all those situations. Never be a part of any depressing situation. You have to be calm enough and keep an account for your partner's feelings and emotions. Try to control the situation with your cool behavior and try to make your partner feel stable and calm. 

Give Comfortable Environment 

If you feel that your partner is self pitied, depressed and even feeling guilty, encourage them with good examples. Try to bring them out of that phase by different activities. Call your friends have a party or other such stuff can help you to bring your partner out of that anxiety. Make him/her realize that they are like other people and not less than those. 

Get others to help, if needed 

It is not the requirement to be the only one to help your partner. You can seek help from other close family members and friends. Friends and family members can actually play an important role in the treatment of your addicted partner. Any encouragement source can be beneficial for an addict person.


Why India Need To Bother About China?

China, one of the neighbors of India which shares about 4000 km of border with India. China has been the biggest contender for India as it is the nation who defeated India in 1962 Indo-Sino war. Well, stats shows that China’s army counts the biggest army in the world and also the tempo of the military modernization is a matter of concern for other nations. The increased Pakistan- China friendship and China’s expanding military power is an alarm for India. Till now, this year has been remarkable in the military development of China.

Why India Need To Bother About China?

S-400 Deal – S-400 air defense system is a master piece of the Russian military which is famous for its new and superb technology in warfare. This system will promote the air dominance of China along its border. Its 400 km range is the eye pointing feature which makes a large area under its range including New Delhi also. Also, it will protect the China’s new air defense identification zone in The East China Sea. Currently, China has S-300 system with a range of 300 km which can only target Taiwan’s northwestern coast and also makes capital of India and South Korea out of reach. But procurement of S-400 will help it to extend its target range.
Artificial Islands in The South China Sea  Recently media reported that the construction of artificial islands in The South China Sea is almost completed. China’s foreign minister said that the facilities will be built on the island including military and defense also. The construction of these islands was started after China reclaimed about 2000 acres in disputed sea (according to U.S.) last year. These islands were built to bolster its position against other East Asian countries and United States.  In May 2015, the presence of two large artillery vehicles on one of the artificial island became a headline.
Construction of all Civilian Ships According to Military Standards
 – China is discussing for National Defense Transport Law, which will allot money to shipbuilders for additional money required for construction of civilian ships according to military standards and pattern. This will enhance the potential of the civilian ships to work as a military ship. The law will also provide insurance to the ship builder in case of any tragedy or damage occurs to the ship. U.S. had also used its civilian fleets for maritime tasks during World War II.
Successful Trail of Hypersonic Glide Vehicle – The confirmation of test of “Wu-14” (dubbed by U.S) held in mid of June this year. It is the 4th test of PLA in 18 months. It can go up to the speed of 10 Mach. The special feature is maneuverable ability which helps it to penetrate through a missile defense system. Well, it seemed to be a response to the continued interference of U.S. in The South China Sea (U.S spy plane’s flight in The South China Sea). This test shows the positive progress of Chinese military.


French Food and American Food: The Major Differences

Talking of foods in these two country, it would be appropriate to inform the readers that both the countries are rich in culinary heritage and have received kudos from food aficionado, but if you are planning to have a taste of the cuisines of both these countries, you are sure to get different taste different approach of cooking and different cuisine altogether.
The food history of France harks back to the ancient past and has evolved through the ages, on the other hand American food doesn't have a opulent past to fall back upon, but the food habits of America is very methodological and significant.
Americans tend to have three meals in a single day that is breakfast, lunch and dinner. Americans are more keen in shopping fruits and food item and vegetables from the supermarket whereas recent studies and general observation confirm that people of France especially in Paris are more keen in shopping from outdoor market, where the fare is much standard as compared to supermarket and moreover one can choose his or her fruits and vegetables which are required by that particular individual. 
One of the basic difference between American and French culinary is the usage of ingredients. It has been observed that the people of France are more keen in using fresh and local ingredients whereas the American food is a ready made processed food.
Several chefs are of the opinion in-spite of major difference there are few similarity between both the foods. Here is one classic example of a cuisine which has both American and French roots. A food made with mussels, you can also use petals of raw scallops with citrus vinaigrette along with grilled beef with toasted mustard and raw carrots, this particular dish is a bouillon. You would love to have this with your friends and family.
Apart from France and America this particular food has made a global acceptance both in Europe, Parts of North America and South America especially in Panama. The restaurants in Panama have rated it as the best food in Panama. 
French people do have lunch for longer period of time on the contrary Americans are more in favor of having lunch in quick time. As said the country of Panama has made enormous progress in delivering foreign foods. One of the Indian restaurant in Panama have serving array of American and French food opines the American populace are very fast when it comes to approaching food.
To be honest both the French and Americans do like each other's food culture. The Americans especially are more keen towards the French wines and the French chocolates and the varied amount of soups. 
On the other hand the French are very keen in having American sausages, American Choc Pie and American crispy chicken. The American crispy chicken is one of the food that has been liked by all and sundry. It has been rated as one of the best food in Panama, Indonesia, India, United Kingdom and various other countries of the world, but French food is lighter than American food and keeps your health in proper shape. French chefs use less oil and less spice in order to bring up an opulent taste.
French people love having breakfast with bread salad whereas Indian restaurant in Panama which has a reputation of serving array of French and American foods have made remarks that American prefer burger and hot dogs for breakfast.
